FIRST Steamworks Kickoff

 In Megan Fava, Renee Pontbriant, Team Updates

It’s kickoff day! Team 230 gathered at the high school to watch the 2017 FIRST Steamworks game reveal video. We then separated into small groups, each with a combination of new students, returning students, mentors, and team alumni. Each group received a copy of the game manual to discuss rules, regulations, and strategies for the game. We later came back together to combine ideas and develop potential strategies for the upcoming season. Unfortunately, we had to leave early due to heavy snowfall, but we plan on resuming discussion tomorrow after the snow is cleared.

The team is ready for an exciting and unique season! We can’t wait to see what the next six weeks have in store as teams across the globe attempt to plan and construct their mechanical masterpieces.

Keep checking back for weekly updates throughout build season!

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