The thought behind the Team 230 robot design was maneuverability. It was expected that the low traction surface would cause more difficulty for drivers than turned out to be true. As a result of this decision severe compromises were made on how 230 would play in this game. The unique shape, clearly out of the box thinking, nullified the ability to gather moon rocks from the floor. Talon X proved to be a bot that was hard to score on, but the lack of an offensive capability kept it out of the running this year.

2009 proved to be challenging year. The introduction of a new control system, the switch from radio control to WiFi, as well as the mandatory use of slip wheels to match the floor were only part of it. The High School had a fire keeping 230 away from its shop for a couple of weeks at the start of the build season. The theft of the the teams cRIO and other electronic components from the Boston Regional Venue almost cancelled their Championship appearance. Yet despite all of this the team persevered and ended on a high note by being part of the Where Is Wolcott Invitational winning alliance for the second year running.
Jose Alvarado | Ben Barnstien | Kyle Chen | Catherine Cheu |
Chelsea Cox | Aaron Egensteiner | Kelli Freer | Thomas Keegan |
Daniel Lavigne | TJ Lipscomb | Nicholas Mandrona | Ed McCann |
Stephen Miller | Leann Misencik | Priya Mohan | Jonathan Niedzwiecki |
Adam Patrick | Jordan Piscitelli | Mike Rak | Ryan Roussel |
Rebecca Sabo | Nick Shigo | Emily Spoldi | Peter Spoldi |
Joe Turco | Joevito Villaluz | Sean Wilson | Karthik Yarlagadda |
John Niski | Lou Schmecker | Kerry Taylor |
Dale Bailey Jr. | Tom Farrelly | John Gomes | Sam Keegan |
Steven Kline | Robert Lundberg | John Miller | Tom Misencik |
Laura Spoldi | Steven Spoldi | Richard Vogl | Paul Zito |
Mary Lou Barnstien | Warren & Leslie Egensteiner | Dori & Robert Freer | Paula Keegan |
Susan Lipscomb | Edward & Janet McCann | Chris & Holly Miller | Roseanne Misencik |
Philip & Danielle Niedzwiecki | Dave & Paulette Patrick | Lynne Piscitelli | Al & Moira Shigo |
Patricia Turco | Diane Rak | Imelda Villaluz | Ravindra & Nagamani Yarlagadda |
2009 Events
- Boston Regional – Agganis Arena at Boston University, Boston, MA March 5-7, 2009
- Connecticut Regional – Connecticut Convention Center, Hartford CT March 26-28, 2009
o Xerox Creativity Award
o Webcast provided courtesy of Team 230o Webcast provided courtesy of Team 230
- FIRST Championship – Georgia Dome – Atlanta, GA April 16-18, 2009
Team Awards
- Founder’s Award – Mr. Paul Zito
- Talon Award – TJ Lipscomb
- Unsung Hero Award – Emily Spoldi / Kelli Freer
- Spirit Award – Ben Barnstein
- Rookie All-Star – Nick Mandrona / Ryan Rousell
- Engineering Inspiration – Tom Keegan
- Volunteer of the Year – Tom Miscencik
- Engineers’ Scholar – Tom Keegan
Community Events
- Team 230 Mentoring of Shelton Intermediate FLL Team, the Thundering Tigers, Shelton High School, Shelton, CT September thru December, 2008
- Pitney Bowes Diversity Day – Pitney Bowes Shelton Facility, Shelton, CT September 20, 2008
- Sikorsky Family Day, Sikorsky Aircraft Stratford Facility, Stratford, CT October 11, 2008
- Special Olympics Holiday Classic Bowling- Milford Bowling Lanes, Milford, CT November 22, 2008
- FLL Bridgeport Qualifying Event – FIRST Lego League Connecticut State Qualifying Event hosted by Team 230 – University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, CT December 6, 2008
- FLL Connecticut State Championship – Team 230 Student & Mentor Judges – Central Connecticut State University, New Britian, CT December 14, 2008
- Gaelhawks Dinner & Auction – Shelton High School, Shelton, CT December 11, 2008
- Team 230 & Team 558 FRC Mentor Sharing – Shelton High School & Hill Regional Career High School – Build Season 2009
- Mentoring Rookie Team FRC 2862 – Stamford, CT January thru March, 2009
- Read Across America – A reading incentive program for Elementary Schools – Long Hill School March 2, 2009
- Car Wash with the Youth Services Youth-to-Youth Group – Echo Hose Ambulance Station – Shelton, CT May 30, 2009
- Robotics Demonstration & Recruitment Drive – Shelton Intermediate School. Shelton. CT June 11, 2009
- Team 230 picnic, MiscenikResidence, Shelton, CT June 26, 2009
- Adopt-a-Family – Providing Christmas to local families in need
- Shelton Food Bank – Soliciting donations of canned goods and non-perishables for local families in need
Off-Season Competitions
- Suffield Shakedown – Suffield High School, Suffield, CT February 14, 2009
o Webcast provided courtesy of Team 230
- 10thAnnual Bash@theBeach – Lyme-Old Lyme Middle School, Old Lyme, CT October 18, 2008
- BattleCry10@WPI – WPI Harrington Auditorium, Worcester, MA May 8-9, 2009
- 2nd Annual here Is Wolcott Invitational – Wolcott High School, Wolcott, CT June 13, 2009
o Volunteer Award – Rick Vogl
o Champions