Team 230 worked hard in 2011 to honor the loss of its founding member, Louis J. Schmecker, who passed away in August 2010.

A smaller but just as dedicated team carried on and the team celebrated several achievements. The dedication was recognized with the presentation of the Regional Engineering inspiration award at the Northeast Utilities FIRST Connecticut Regional event. The award came with an invitation to the First Championship – the last to be held in Atlanta.


Catherine Cheu Kelli Freer Mark Fresa Josh Milano
Leann Misencik Priya Mohan Akshaya Ravishankar Ryan Roussel
Peter Spoldi Sarah Stuart Tyler Tallo Sean Wilson


Steven Kline Ted Lipscomb Tom Misencik Laura Spoldi
Lou Schmecker Steven Spoldi


Kerry Taylor John Niski


Dori & Robert Freer Rose Stuart Jerry Milano

2011 Events


WPI Regional – Worcester Polytechnic Institute – Worcester, MA March 18- 20 2011

–       Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox

–       Quarterfinalists

Northeast Utilities FIRST Connecticut Regional – Connecticut Convention Center – Hartford, CT  April 7-9 2011

–       SimiFinalists

–       Regional Engineering Inspiration Award.

FIRST Championship – Georgia Dome – Atlanta, GA  April 14-16 2011

Community Events


–       Hosted FLL Qualifying Event at Shelton Intermediate School on December 4, 2010

–       Mentored four Lego Teams

Off-season Competition


o     12th Annual Bash@theBeach – Lyme-Old Lyme Middle School, Old Lyme, CT October, 2010

o    Suffield Shakedown – Suffield High School, Suffield, CT February, 2011

o    4th Annual Where Is Wolcott Invitational – Wolcott High School, Wolcott, CT June, 2011

o    2011 WPI BattleCry XII

Team Awards

  • Founder’s Award  – Mr. Tom Misencik
  • Engineering Inspiration Award – Kelli Freer
  • Talon Award – Leann Misencik
  • Unsung Hero Award  – Sean Wilson
  • Lou Schmecker Dedication Award –   Peter Spoldi
  • Spirit Award (2) –Akshaya Ravishankar,   Sarah Stuart
  • Volunteer of the Year– Mr. Richard Vogl
  • Rookie All-star Award  –Tyler Tallo, Mark Fresa
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