Walt Disney World Epcot, Orlando, FL April 6-8, 2000 Diabolical Dynamics was a true attempt at defining a game that exhibited “co-opertition” a few years before the term was trademarked. For 230 this was the birth of the Big Ball robot, one of the most complicated, visually appealing, and robust machines ever produced by the team. The Big Ball robot was the spotlight of demonstrations for years to come. Built on top of an indestructible frame and entering into a new season after a disastrous one, this robot was designed to do it all. Only time and weight prevented the small ball mechanism from going on, but with its large ball handling capability and goal grabbing secondary system, it was an awesome machine.
Specializing in large balls the 230 machine was an alliance asset. Since this game was an odd one, all of the robots were on the same side, cooperation was never more important. The 230 robot, like a phoenix out of the ashes, revitalized the squad. Not only did the students and mentors regain confidence in their ability to field a first class machine, but this feeling extended itself into all of the community activities the team was involved with. This proved that they could certainly be Chairman’s Award material.

Crystal Abbott | Sergei Golos | Stacy Koty | Tom Szeker |
Jen Arsen | Bob Hagh | Jeffrey Lobo | Anne Szeker |
Jennifer Baker | Glenn Heyse | Kevin Lundberg | Jennifer Vogl |
Chuck Baugh | Joshua Hill | Laura Mariano | Dave Wickers |
Chris Bertucio | Dave Hiscock | James Nichols | Chris Zito |
David Chapman | David Holden | Jake Pelloth | Kimberly Zito |
Alexandra Clay | David Hotchkiss | Mike Persico | |
John DiBiasi | Erik Ibsen | Brett Rogowski | |
Rachel Foglia | Soren Ibsen | Don Sheehy |
Tracy Hussey | Ron Mileski | John Niski | Lou Schmecker |
Kerry Taylor |
Charles Baugh | Paul Ibsen | Steve Kline | Bob Lundberg |
Liz Shepard | Herman Szeker | Henry Voegeli | Richard Vogl |
Paul Zito |
Rebecca Baugh | Barbara Bertucio | Joseph Koty | Sue Koty |
Mary Jo Zito |
2001 Events
- UTC New England Regional – Meadows Music Theater, Hartford CT March 1-3, 2001
o Quarter-Finalist
- The Championship Event – Walt Disney World Epcot Center, Orlando, FL April 5-7, 2001
Team Awards
- Engineers’ Scholar – Chris Bertuccio
Community Events
- Gaelhawks Dinner & Auction 2000
- Relay for Life – 2001
- Special Olympics of Connecticut 2001
Off-Season Competitions
- 2nd Annual Bash@theBeach – Millstone Point, Waterford, CT, September 8, 2000
- UTC Scrimmage – Suffield High School, Suffield, CT